Friday, November 5, 2010

Enjoying the Blessing of Jesus!

Our Biblical Pilgrimage officially got underway this morning with a relaxing and refreshing swim in the Dead Sea.  The team enjoyed the sunrise and the experience of exploring this fascinating body of water!

Pastor Glen and Frank H. lifted their hands in praise to the Lord for a wonderful to start to a glorious day!  While boys were floating Rich was celebrating his salt find!  After breakfast it was on to Masada.  The team was overwhelmed by the magnitude of this amazing fortress, but the highlight came when Avi, our guide shared a special discovery, while sitting in the synagogue.  He told the team that it was in this place where the scrolls for Ezekiel 37 & 38 were found.  The faces of the team just lit up as they were reminded of the power and promise of God’s Word!
From Masada it was on to one of the most amazing sites we have taken in yet…En Gedi.  Pastor Glen taught from a number of passages emphasizing two very important things:  Jesus is our living water and Jesus is our provision!  This oasis situated in the midst of this dry and weary land was more than highlight, it was a real eye opener to the Scriptures.  What a blessing from Jesus!
We are having some challenges with the internet but hopefully will have some pics tomorrow.
Bless you and thank you for your prayers!
In HIS love,

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