Monday, November 8, 2010

Visual Highlights of A Day Around Water

The Morning at the Sea of Galilee

Joel shares for a moment at Gideon Springs

Our hearts are filled with the Word of God!

Frank is all about reading and relaxing!

Katrina shares in the reading of God's Word!

Drinking deep from the Word at Gideon Springs!

Taking notes as Pastor Glen is teaching.

Shirely, enjoying the living water!

Following the teaching, the team explored Gideon Springs!

Sachne was a beautiful swimming experience!

Blue water, fish nibbling at your toes and the crowds!

Lunch at McDonalds

Wow...baptism in the Jordan

Avi shared and Pastor Glen taught at Capernaum

The team enjoyed visiting the synagogue in Capernaum

On the Sea of Galilee

Lyndee & Karen

The team is loving the Sea!

The team is loving one another!

The team is loving Jesus!

What at time of celebration!

The Sea of unforgettable experience!

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