Friday, November 12, 2010

Our Last Hours

Our last day started with a trip to Hezekiah’s Tunnel.  Many of the team travelled through the tunnel and had a great experience. 
After the tunnel, we loaded up the bus again and headed to Caesarea Maritima.  It was such an amazing experience and it was a beautiful time.   Pastor Glen opened up the Word of God to us in the Theatre.  We turned the pages of the Bible to Acts 10 and discovered the importance of this areas we are visiting.  It is here where the Gospel first came to the Gentiles.  What a backdrop to this amazing out pouring of God's grace!
Following our teaching and exploration, we had lunch on the Mediterranean Sea.  Many went for walks, some dipped their toes in the sea and even one went for a full on swim – Joel.
From here we journeyed to Tel Aviv in preparation for departure.

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