Friday, November 5, 2010

Visual Highlights of the First Full Day

Pastor Glen & Frank - Dead Sea

Rich celebrating his Sea Salt discovery

Heading up to Masada

Sitting in the Synagogue
Listening to Avi reveal an amazing truth!

The discovery...scrolls with Ezekiel 37 & 38 were found here!

Pastor Glen opens up the Word at En Gedi

Laura & Tom are drinking it in!

The team enjoys the refreshing and living waters of En Gedi!

 Pastor Glen brought our final teaching of the day from Beth Shan.

After a delicious was off to bed!

We had an most excellent time drawing close to the Lord and having a wonderful time of fellowship together.  We pray the Lord will continue to open up our hearts to receive from Him all that He would have for us.  What blessing to be in this land and to see the things of Scripture come alive!

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