Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Visual Highlights of A Time of Remembrance

Heading to the Garden Tomb

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Mount of the Skull - Golgotha

Taking in the teaching

Mary...oh no, it's Lyndee at the opening of the tomb

Mark confirms...He is risen, He is not here!

Pastor Glen opens up the Word as we remember what the Lord has done for us!

What freedom we have in Jesus!

Frank & Avi help with serving Communion

The pit in Caiaphas' home where Jesus was held   

Tom reads from Psalm 88

The team enjoyed the Temple Mount...could it be the Holy of Holies?

Getting ready for the Davidson Center

Southern Steps

The men are heading to the Western Wall to pray

Many spent a few moments seeking the Lord

Pastor Glen hanging over the fence in the court of the Gentiles.
"I am hungry...Cheeseburger anyone?"

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