Monday, November 8, 2010

The Mountains & The Valley

After a good night sleep and another delicious breakfast, the team loaded up their suitcases to depart from one of the most beautiful places on our pilgrimage.  Many wished they could stay another day or two, but those thoughts were overshadowed by the anticipation of what lies ahead.  Once boarded on the bus, we left our hotel – Ramot, and travelled to the home of Jesus. 
Nazareth was teaming with people and traffic.  It is a city that exceeds 70,000 people with two-thirds being Muslim and one-third Christian.  Our first stop was the Church of the Enunciation.  Then it was on to the Church of the Synagogue.  Here Pastor Glen shared briefly from Luke 4:16-20. 
From there, we made our way to the bus but not without a stop at Pastor Glen’s favorite sweet shop in Nazareth.  There many enjoyed some amazing pastry, dried fruit and coffee. 
Once on the bus and out of the traffic, we then made our way to Haifa.  This was an unexpected blessing.   Avi and our Bus Driver, lead us to one of the highest points of Haifa, that enabled us to see not only the city but also the blue Mediterranean Sea.  It was a spectacular view!
From there we drove a short distance to the Druze Village.  The team enjoyed lunch at our favorite restaurant, were we were served up Falafels and Shawarmas.  Then at the end to top off the experience, the owner came out and served us all some Druze’s pastry.  Unbelievably satisfying!  After a little shopping, we were then on our way to our next stop.
Through some windy roads and up the mountain, we came to Mount Carmel.  After a bit of singing in the church, we then gathered on the mountain for another teaching by Pastor Glen.  We opened our Bibles to 1 Kings 18 to recount the story of Elijah.  What a time of teaching.  The Scriptures in our hands and the actual location before our eyes.  Wow! 
In this passage of study, we were exhorted about the importance of making sure we are willing to choose between right and wrong and not just sit of the fence.  We also learned the importance of honoring the Lord and how He in turn will honor us.  And of course, our hearts were drawn to the truth that when our prayers are offered up to God, the power of God comes down.  As God moves, we respond!  What a blessed time!
From there we quickly packed up and drove another few minutes to Megiddo.  Our timing was slightly off and when we arrived we were told the site was closed.  After a brief discussion, the management decided to let us in to purchase a few National Park Books and watch the movie of Megiddo.  Our hearts were disappointed that we would not be able to tour the site.  Instead of letting the heaviness of disappointment reign, the Lord initiated further discussion through Avi and the management which result in the opportunity to tour the site for 20 minutes.  We took the open door and headed in.  It was amazing to walk this ancient site but more amazing to be able to look at to the Valley of Armageddon and visualize the final battle on these plains as the enemies gather to destroy Israel.  It was breath taking.  20 minutes was too short but it was such a blessing from the Lord!
From this site, we loaded up again and started to making our way to Jerusalem.  This will be our base for the next few days.  What an full and exciting day!
Thank you for your prayers!  And thank You, Jesus, for Your provision and protection!

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